Wedding diet tips for brides

Wedding diet tips for brides

So your big day is looming and you want to look fabulous in your fairy tale dress.  For most people this means slimming down and losing a few pounds before your wedding day.  This can easily be achieved by either following a full diet plan or simply incorporating a few smart diet tips into your overall eating plan as your wedding day draws nearer.  Of course the sooner you start trimming down to more that you can potentially lose however girls being girls this is often left to the last minute.

This is why we have collected together some great wedding diet tips for brides to follow which can easily be incorporated into your lifestyle to lose those extra couple of pounds in order that you look fantastic and your wedding day.

You can either follow a full wedding diet plan and you can find details of suggested diet plans here .

Alternatively, perhaps you are pretty much happy with what you weigh but just wish to lose a couple of pounds before your wedding day?  Following a diet plan may be taking this a bit far so you could try losing some weight by incorporating wedding diet tips to lose a little weight and leaving it closer to your big day.

Here’s a selection of some of our favourite wedding diet tips for brides:

  • Cut out one type of food.  Try cutting out one particular type of food.  This works on the premise that you do not feel deprived as you can still eat a range of other foods that you like.  For example, if your weakness is crisps, tellyourself that you are not eating any more crisps and instead replace this with a healthy snack such as carrots sticks or a low fat version of crisps.  There are some fantastic low-fat crisp ranges available most of which contain approximately hundred calories per pack or even 50 calories per bag!   As compared with a bag of standard crisps at approximately 170 calories this is cutting your calorie count buy at least half.
  • Increase your intake of fruit and vegetables.  Fruit and vegetables are low calorie and contain plenty of water and fibre.  By increasing your intake of these foods to take up a greater portion of your meals you will eat less calories and also help you feel fuller for longer.
  • Drink plenty of water.  This helps to keep you feeling full as well.  It is also good for detoxing and clearing your system so we feel more energetic which means you are also less likely to binge on sugary foods to increase your energy level.
  • Have a treat every now and then.  Don’t condemn yourself to eating just healthy foods from now until your big day.  Psychologically you will feel deprived and more likely to fall into binge eating.  A little treat every now and then keeps you on track and in the long term will help you lose you the pounds. Try these sugar free sweets:           
  • Visualise how you want to look on the day.  This is a very important tip. Have in mind how you wish to look on the day.  This will act as your motivation and encouragement when you feel like slipping off the wagon and eating something you know you shouldn’t.  Telling yourself that your wedding day is the one big day when you need to look fantastic and this is a one in a lifetime opportunity. So why not just stick to the diet for little longer?  You can always treat yourself a little after the wedding is successfully over.
  • Increase your exercise.  Even doing additional walking such as walking upstairs or taking a longer route than you usually would all goes towards building  your quota of exercise each week.  In terms of calories this may not make a massive indent on your calories burned but it will will help to tone you and again make you feel more energetic and motivated towards meeting your diet goals.
  • Treat yourself to other things apart from food.  For example take a hot bath with bubbles or do something else you enjoy such as shopping to take your mind off not indulging in food as you perhaps usually would.

Hope this helps and good luck on your wedding day!

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