Wedding diet plan 6 months

Wedding diet plan 6 months to go to your wedding. Here we look at some diet plans for weight loss over 6 months. Use these when looking to lose weight over the course of 6 months prior to your wedding day.

Six months ahead of your big day is a reasonable time to lose weight in and you can allow yourself a little slack provided you see steady weight loss over the course of the 6 months.

Find out how many calories you need to lose to reach your target weight and then devise a plan to keep to that daily calorie intake.

Some of the most popular diets for weight loss over 6 months include the following:

F2 diet plan a long running tried and tested healthy eating plan

Food combining diet a little complex but does work for weight loss and includes unlimited food choices

High protein diet modern approach to dieting arising from the Atkins phenomena

Jenny Craig diet plan as advertised on TV by Mel B of the Spice Girls

Weight Watchers diet plan always a popular diet plan that works

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